Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweet Disorder Contest: Attention All Designing Women and Men

Meet Miranda Molyneux, a talented seamstress equally skilled at embroidery. At Queen Elizabeth’s Court, Miranda must recreate the spectacular gown Anne Boleyn wore to the coronation ceremony that followed her marriage to Henry VIII.

What if Miranda was beginning her career as a seamstress in the 21st century instead of the 16th? Consider the killer (no pun intended) or iconic outfits women have worn during the last hundred years: the little black dress (paired with dark sunglasses and pearls) Audrey Hepburn wears as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s; the street chic grunge that early Madonna made cool; the polished suits and pillbox hats Jacqueline Kennedy made famous as First Lady—and what about Michelle Obama’s inaugural gown?

Whatever you choose, I ask you to write a brief reason WHY this woman matters and WHY her outfit matters. If you like, you can include an illustration of your own. Be as creative—as designing—as you like. The winner will receive a fashion-worthy gift, appropriately wrapped, of course. The runners up will receive signed paperback copies of The Red Queen’s Daughter. Send in your choices (email me at poppiesbloom@usa.net) between now and September 25. And of course, I will post your choices on Jacqueline’s Blog!

Monday, June 1, 2009


To celebrate the paperback release of The Red Queen’s Daughter, a contest is in order. There will be a SPLENDIDLY RED prize for the winner and signed copies of A Sweet Disorder for the two runners up.

Since Red Queen’s debut in October 2007, readers have written to me asking—demanding—desiring—to know what happens next. Once he escapes from prison, where does Edmund Seymour go? Do Edmund and Mary find each other again? These are the two reoccurring questions, and believe me, they tantalize my dreams as well.

So, now it’s your turn.

Between the 1st of June and September 25, I invite you to write what happens AFTER The Red Queen’s Daughter ends. Envision the beginning of the next book. To do so, send an overview of how the book would begin in roughly 500-1,000 words to poppiesbloom@usa.net. The most enchanted beginning will earn the winner the SPLENDIDLY RED prize and a posting here. Oh, the runners up will appear there, too!

Let the games—and the magic!—begin.